Selected Press, Interviews and Publications
Like Lital’s fabrics stretched between tree, body and earth, like Eyal’s “silent presence” – a tending in attendance – what is at stake in the life project that is Glasshouse is making felt the fissures in attention, the cracks in experience, that create resonances in the everyday ecologies both human and more-than human. Their work is not to rebuild a home for a cracking world but to make felt the fragility of the architecture we call home, to make felt the home’s dissolution as stable enclosure of human life. Theirs is a politics of cracking asunder the mortgaged architecting of security that too often comes to define home, to define art. This is Glasshouse: the patient crafting of the infinite collaboration of a tending toward the fissures, toward the openings and intervals of event time.
‘Hovering at Low Altitude (still from video performance, 2010)
Jen Ortiz, “Life as a Glass House: A globe-trotting performance artist invites the world into her Williamsburg apartment, where every room is a stage.” Narratively (January 2013)
Serena Dai, “Williamsburg Artist's Dresses Double as Performance Art.” DNA Info (March 2015)
Luca Lisci, “Glasshouse: Art in a Place That Allows Staying.” TAR Magazine (Fall 2014- Issue 12)
Erin Manning, “Glasshouse: A Fragile Tending.” TAR Magazine (Fall 2014- Issue 12)
Meredith Hoffman, “Williamsburg Couple Showcasing Their Home as Art Gallery.” DNA Info (August 2012)
Renee Ghert-Zand, “Throwing Art in Glass Houses.” Forward (September 2010)